Slade House – David Mitchell

In this latest novel from Mitchell we find ourselves back in the world from ‘The Bone Clocks’ but this is essentially a stand-alone novel. Every nine years in October Slade House appears for one day and on this day a person is enticed to Slade Alley and through a small black iron door into Slade House. At first they do not want to leave and … Continue reading Slade House – David Mitchell

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August – Claire North

Harry August is on his eleventh deathbed when a little girl appears and says “I nearly missed you, Doctor August,” she says. “I need to send a message.” and it then follows Harry in a mission to slow down the end of the world and fills in his back story of what has happened in his previous lives. Whenever Harry dies he always returns to the … Continue reading The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August – Claire North