Worst Idea Ever – Jane Fallon


Georgia and Lydia are so close, they’re practically sisters. So when Lydia starts an online business that struggles, Georgia wants to help her – but Lydia’s not the kind to accept a handout. Setting up a fake Twitter account, Georgia hopes to give her friend some anonymous moral support by posing as a potential customer. But then Lydia starts confiding in her new internet buddy and Georgia discovers she doesn’t know her quite as well as she thought. Georgia knows she should reveal the truth – especially when Lydia starts talking about her – but she just can’t help herself. Until Lydia reveals a secret that could not only end their friendship, but also blow-up Georgia’s marriage.

This has a great premise and it is well executed and makes for an entertaining, gripping read. First, we get to learn about Georgia and Lydia and their shared backstory, then comes the really great idea, that might not be that great! Is this obvious? Well yes it is and I saw the “twist” coming a mile away, but I still thoroughly enjoyed reading this and as I have already said, I found this to be a gripping read. Whilst the plot may not have been the most surprising, I really enjoyed seeing how Fallon got there, plus I really did like the premise so I was invested from the beginning. The plot is entertaining, gripping and packed with deceit, what more could you want.

Georgia is a great character and I loved getting to know and following her as she goes on a journey, I hate to say that word but she really does go on a journey as the book progresses. Seeing how Georgia interacts with those around her was very interesting too. Lydia is a good character but is not as well developed and I thought there were some missing pieces to her, maybe that was intentional though. Altogether, Fallon’s characters only added to my enjoyment.

‘Worst Idea Ever’ is another terrific read from Fallon and I was immersed in the plot and characters. I highly recommend this.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin for an advance copy.

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