The Road Trip – Beth O’Leary


Addie and her sister are about to embark on an epic road trip to a friend’s wedding in rural Scotland. The playlist is all planned and the snacks are packed. But, not long after setting off, a car slams into the back of theirs. The driver is none other than Addie’s ex, Dylan, who she’s avoided since their traumatic break-up two years earlier. Dylan and his best mate are heading to the wedding too, and they’ve totalled their car, so Addie has no choice but to offer them a ride. The car is soon jam-packed full of luggage and secrets, and with four-hundred miles ahead of them, Dylan and Addie can’t avoid confronting the very messy history of their relationship. Will they make it to the wedding on time? And, more importantly, is this really the end of the road for Addie and Dylan?

I fell head over heels for this book and am bereft it has finished. I honestly cannot remember the last time I felt so connected to a read. Starting with the premise, O’Leary is already on to a win as it is just so great and yet so simple – throw exes into a mini, add in their nearest and dearest and you are in for one hell of a ride. This proved to be a highly entertaining, heart-warming read and I adored every page.

O’Leary writes this between the present and the past. Initially, I preferred the present day chapters but the past soon proves to be vital and I was hooked, wanting to get to the next reveal of secrets and learn everything I could about Addie and Dylan. This just has everything you could want in it; love, heartbreak, happiness, pain and laughter. This was a pure joy to read, albeit emotional as well!

O’Leary’s characters are spectacular as well. I loved Addie and Dylan, more importantly though, I cared about them and their story. It was great getting to know them, learning about their relationship, seeing where it went wrong and discovering if they might be able to find their way back to one another. The other characters are great as well, all of them are just so realistic and likeable which helps massively. I have to shout out Rodney as well, you will see what a mean when you read this, but what a character.

‘The Road Trip’ is one of those books that you read, fall in love with and just know you will not be forgetting it. This was a sensational read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quercus Books for an advance copy.

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