The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August – Claire North

Harry August is on his eleventh deathbed when a little girl appears and says “I nearly missed you, Doctor August,” she says. “I need to send a message.” and it then follows Harry in a mission to slow down the end of the world and fills in his back story of what has happened in his previous lives. Whenever Harry dies he always returns to the same point in his childhood and has to start again and whilst this was interesting after a while it was rather tiresome to keep reading some of the things that have happened, although luckily North does avoid repeating lots of it.

I was enjoying this and thought it was rather like ‘Doctor Who’ in a way however I think it was too long and I really struggled to get through the last 200 pages of this. This book could have been saved by the characters as there were a lot of them and a lot of interesting people as Harry August ends up going to lots of places in the world and experiences many of histories famous events, however with a lot of characters they were only in the book for a few pages and then were gone so they did not really develop much and sometimes it was not really obvious what they had brought to the plot. I really liked the concept of this book and thought it had a good plot in theory however for me it lost its way and I was disappointed by this.

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